Invitation: the opportunity to try something new, an offering, a chance to explore, space to make a decision for your self. Sounds empowering doesn't it? It should. Invitations are optional, meaning they aren't required. So when you decide to go for it - you feel better about it. It was your idea to do whatever it is you are invited to do - you get to take ownership for it. And that is the empowering part.
The invitation Hike and Heal Wellness is offering you is purposefully convenient. You don't need an overnight babysitter, you don't have to figure out lodging, you don't need to bring food, you don't have to be able to do crazy awesome yoga poses or be super fit and you don't need a wad of cash to make it happen. We created this opportunity for local people living near Madison who just need a day to settle. To be still. To let everything else go and pay attention to YOU. Not the kids, not work, not the pets, not the news, not anyone or anything else - just you. Give your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical needs a lift. Stay at home parents? Are you out there? Busy bodies - can we press pause? On June 2nd, 2018 - yes, two weekends from now - you are invited to open up your senses... all EIGHT (stay tuned!), and walk in the woods with us. You will be guided through at least four different forms of mindfulness and meditation in just five hours. We will bath in the forest, eat a light lunch, practice Hatha Yoga and head right into sound healing from Savasana. During the sound healing, you will receive hands on Reiki. Afterwards we will have a conversation about how we can bring more peace and compassion into the communities we serve. You may have already tried several of these practices before, but have you experienced them back-to-back? The best part of all of these forms of mindfulness and meditation, is that they should be practiced regularly. So let's learn how to make it regular. You are invited to let us guide you. Hike, Heal & Hum | A Summer Wellness Series![]() Regularly guided Forest Therapy walks are coming to Madison, WI very soon. June 9th starts the first of a three part series called "Hike, Heal & Hum." The idea - experience a morning of sensory friendly awareness that provides space to drop into a Saturday slow, mindfully and compassionately. Experience something brand new with a group of like-minded humans who seek deep nature connection and restorative healing. The entire two-hour event will be done outdoors, rain or shine. Yoga in the rain? Sound healing in the rain? Well... we do have a very large tent, soothing to the eyes and a place to stay dry. We also have an indoor space secured if it's needed. But... we're envisioning sunshine, soft greenery, animal sightings, smells of conifers, sounds of baseline bird chirps and tuts, feelings of childlike wonder, total relaxation, tastes of a fresh pot of herbal tea, and a rewarding conversation amongst new-found friends. We'll meet at Common Ground in Middleton, hit the Pheasant Branch Conservancy Trail and walk up to Parisi Park for the rest. June 9, July 14 & August 4 from 10am - 12pm. $45/class or $120 for the series. Couples receive a $20 discount as well. This will be a brief introduction to Forest Bathing, or Shinrin-yoku, a form of Japanese preventative medicine. The reason it is brief is because a true forest bath is 2-4 hours long. Hike, Heal & Hum is a snippet of three different modalities of holistic wellness guided by three different individuals who have become great friends through their Sound Healing & Reiki events. Moira, Krista & Niomi come together on this summer series to play, find joy, ground into Mother Earth and provide the Madison area with something completely unique. It is also a path to spread the good news about their own, individual, work in the broad field of wellness. In Fall of 2018, Moira will be a trained Forest Therapy Guide through AFNT and will be offering regular guided walks in Dane County and other parts of Wisconsin on retreats. Krista is a Reiki Master and energy worker that owns her own business called Luna Frequency. She does attunements, individual Reiki sessions combined with acupressure, as well as standalone energy sessions and psychic readings. She is a gifted lightworker who seeks opportunities to connect with people looking for new ways to be well. Niomi is a massage therapist, fellow energy healer, nature lover and certified yoga instructor. She recently launched a business called Be Mind with Holly Likos that provides on-site stress reduction programming to businesses of all kinds. Their mission to bring the benefits of mindfulness into the corporate culture. All three women bring different experiences and expertise while finding common ground in the need to take care of the earth (hence our meeting place!).
So join in on the fun this summer and register today. A mini forest bath, restorative yoga, sound healing and Reiki... all in two hours. Imagine how the rest of your day would go. Our guess: delightful, grateful and present. Come play with us! June 9, July 14, August 4th, 2018 | Middleton, WI | 10-12pm @ Common Ground |
AuthorHi, Moira here. When I'm not playing with my dogs, listening to music, enjoying nature or being with my friends/family, I'm probably writing. Read these blogs for wellness opportunities we offer at Hike & Heal, ones I know that are awesome or just some tidbits about living a healthier life. Archives
December 2023